
The wrong with FUT15 chemistry

We suppose we were completely independent,so it's great for us to be able to compliment or criticize what we think is good or bad.

In a general way we think that EA makes a very good job. It is true that there are server problems, items that get stuck on the trade pile, constant updates, etc… But when it comes to rules, FUT was a well made and implemented game. The chemistry system is a good example of that. It works and it has results.

But not everything makes sense on the chemistry of FIFA 15 Ultimate Team. We do not get why EA makes it so much secrecy. Most part of the information we published in this article was based on intensive tests we made. It is not available for the common player that doesn’t want to spend days trying to learn how the chemistry works.

The best example of what we are saying is the way how the links and the player’s positions are assigned according to the colours that indicate intensity. The hyper and strong connections are both green-coloured which doesn’t allow the distinction between each one. Also the player’s position status is indicated by only one colour, orange, which doesn’t allow the distinction between those that a player will be able to get adapted to. It would be enough just to introduce one more colour. We can only think that this was done intentionally so they could keep the chemistry secrets away from the players.

Our chemistry analyse does not end with EA. The players also make part of the game. There is a considerable number of people who insist that there is no such thing as the chemistry in the game. It is not true.

The best way for us to be certified about the influence of the chemistry on the game is playing several matches, ideally in the same condition, commanding a team with a high chemistry and another with a very low chemistry. We did this dozens of times and concluded that the chemistry in FIFA 15 Ultimate Team is actually real. Mathematically analysing the results we obtained, we concluded that when we played with a higher chemistry our performance was very superior.

Many of the people who say there’s no such thing justify themselves with the fact that they have won several tournaments playing with teams with a very low chemistry. That’s not a justification. There are FIFA gamers that are good enough to win even with inferior teams, and so with low chemistries.

There are also the ones who consider that the chemistry should be abolished from FUT 15. We respect their opinion but consider that these people don’t comprehend how FUT works at all. Part of the fun of this game mode is the opportunity for us to create a team we can get identified with. If there was no chemistry, the challenge of building a team would be smaller and the diversity of teams would be reduced.

With this article we hope we were able to clarify everything about how the Chemistry works in FUT 15 and also unmasked myths and false ideas that circulate all over the FIFA players community.

